22nd Annual Mountain John Football Pool Rules
**First game to pick is Sunday - September 8, 2024**






1)    The pool fee buys you 1000 points.


2)     Pick (1) game per week (to win) against the spread.


3)   50 points minimum to 200 points maximum each week – in 50-point increments – choose 50, 100, 150 or 200 points.


3)     Pick a Sunday or Monday game only – No Thursday or Saturday games (or early Sunday morning games) until playoffs.


4)     Make your pick in the website – all picks must be submitted before (NLT:Not Later Than) kickoff of the first Sunday game – usually before 10:05:00 am .

      (If you don't have internet access, you may call in your pick and be sure to give your alias, team, and points.)


5)     If you choose a Monday game, your pick still must be submitted by the Sunday 10:05 am deadline like all other picks.


6)     You get (2) free byes for the entire season (includes playoffs & Super Bowl).


~The goal is to accrue the highest number of points by the end of the season~


The following provides more detail & the small print for the general rules above:




1)     We all use the same spread in the Thursday Morning Edition of the Orange County Register. We will post the spread on the website every Thursday morning.


·       You cannot pick “Off” or “No Line” games as listed in the OC Register spread.


·       You can pick “Even” or “Pick Em” games – game has no point spread.


·       It is your responsibility to make sure that you do not choose OFF or NO LINE games – Please check the website before making your pick. A bye will be charged if you pick an OFF/NO LINE game.




1)     Check the spread for the game you like in the website (see above).


2)     Wager 50 to 200 points - in 50 point increments – i.e. 50, 100, 150 or 200.


·       If points aren’t specified, pick will be accepted as 200 points.


3)     Submit your pick from the link in our website (Football Form - be sure you use correct week form) before kick off of the Sunday morning game – usually before 10:05am PT – this is the preferred method. Always PRINT* or SAVE* your confirmation! (You should also get a confirmation copy sent to your e-mail address. You may have two email addresses or an email address plus a cell phone number (text message confirmation) to have your confirmation sent to. Make sure headquarters have your correct address(es).) Save until weekly standings are posted. Please check standings for errors and let headquarters know asap if you find any.


·       If you don’t have internet access, try your local library - they usually have free internet terminals.


·       *Capture your confirmation with a "screenshot". Try this link www.pcmag.com/news/how-to-take-a-screenshot-on-any-device


·       If M.J. Headquarters do not receive your pick by the deadline it will be counted as a bye unless you can show the website confirmation message for verification.


·       You can submit your pick beginning on Thursday (after the spreads are posted) and before kickoff of first Sunday game.


·       If you pick a Monday night game, your submission must be made by the Sunday morning deadline!


·       Your pick must include three pieces of info if you are calling/texting in your pick to headquarters.

      (The website won't let you submit your pick without this info.)


Your Alias Name, the team you are picking & number of points


·       If you forget to submit the number of points - 200 points will be charged.


·       If you forget to submit your alias and/or the team you are picking a bye will be charged. If no byes are left, 200 points will be charged.


      ·       If you change your pick or points, please note the change in the comment box with your new submission. Pick with the latest submission time will be considered the valid pick.


     ·       To check on what others have picked, go to Football Website/Weekly Picks. It is posted 30 minutes after first kickoff.


     ·       Remember after you click "SUBMIT" on your pick form, you should get a confirmation: (it could take a few seconds - don't be in a hurry to click SUBMIT again - we try to give you a quick response, but we could be on a coffee or bathroom break when you make your submission.) "Thank you for your pick...." screen/message. This screen/confirmation message should remain until you click "Back to FOOTBALL". If it doesn't then resubmit.  (If you have doubts about a web page, Refresh the page to be sure you have the latest.)


4)     In the event of a tie score against the spread, no points are won or lost.




1)     You get (2) free byes for the entire season, including Playoffs/Superbowl.


2)     Use of byes is optional.


3)     If you do not call in your weekly pick or if it is received after time deadline or your pick is missing information or can’t be understood, byes will be applied.


4)     After using your (2) free byes, 200 points will be charged for each missed weekly pick thereafter.





1)     If you lose all your points (if you have zero points) at or before the conclusion of week 7 you can buy back 500 points plus 2 byes (you cannot add any unused byes) for $$$.


2)     Prize money will be awarded for:


a.     The player with the most points at the end of the regular season (before playoffs begin)

b.     1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th place at the conclusion of the Superbowl

c.     Amount for each place will be determined upon final confirmation of the total number of pool players.


3)     Standings will be posted weekly (please check for errors - if you find any, notify headquarters asap!) and rules posted on our website https://www.football.junioor.com - Save this link in your favorites or bookmark. Browse the site when you get a chance. Check our past winners in the hall of fame!


4)     Rules for Playoffs/Super Bowl are posted below.


5)     If you change your email or phone number during the season please let headquarters know.


6)     Please submit your pool fee to M. J. Football Pool headquarters by Sept. 30, 2024, Venmo, Zelle or PayPal is preferred.



Best of Luck to Everyone!!!


Playoff Rules – (begin Saturday January 11, 2025)


1) Saturday games are included...you can choose either a Saturday, Sunday or Monday game during playoffs.


2) ALL picks must be made before kickoff of the first playoff game on SATURDAY.

(If you change your orginal pick please add a comment in the updated pick submission form so it's documented in your confirmation email.)


3) 50 point minimum - and NO maximum bet!!- Yee ha!  Please continue to bet in 50 point increments. 


4) Available byes may be used during playoffs.


5) If no pick is made and (2) free byes have been used, all remaining points will be forfeited. If you pick a team, but forget to state a point amount, max points will be charged (max = all of your remaining points).


6) Cannot pick "OFF" games as listed in the Thursday OC Register - Be sure to check the website for OFF games before making your pick!!! 


7) When there are no Saturday games further into the playoffs, picks can be made prior to kick off the first Sunday game.


8)  All picks will be posted thirty minutes after kickoff of first playoff game each weekend. Football Website/Weekly Picks.


9) If all remaining players lose all their their points during the same week during playoffs/Superbowl - the final standings prior to that game will be used to determine pay outs.



SOL clause: Any misunderstandings, mistakes, errors, disagreements, conflicts, disputes, etc. shall be resolved by The Mountain John Football Pool board of directors.Their decisions are final.